Playing I SPY as a kid was always fun. You can play it anywhere at anytime by guessing the object the other player has selected with no special equipment required. I have a new twist to the I SPY game and it’s called Magazine I SPY. This game requires any magazine and this printable checklist. It’s super easy to play by following the instructions below and is so much fun for the whole family to do. Print it out for a rainy day or take it with you during a road trip. Have fun!!
How to Play Magazine I SPY
Download and Print Magazine I SPY Checklist here.
Take turns picking an item off the checklist and having the opposing player find it in a magazine.
Check off each item you find and at the end tally up the points to see who found the most items.
Want to make it a challenge? Set a timer for 60 seconds for each magazine I SPY search.
And just for fun, cut out each item in the magazine you find from the checklist and make a collage.
If you’re looking for more fun things to play or do, check out these activities.
100+ Things to Do When Kids are Bored
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