Learn how to make a graveyard for Halloween with a few simple materials and little creativity in this easy DIY tutorial.

Halloween is my favorite holiday next to Christmas and I usually go all out with the Halloween decorations. There is just something about making memories for the kids that come to see my new decorations year after year.
This year’s theme was a Halloween graveyard equipped with a cemetery entrance, fake tombstones and the props that completed the graveyard.
And even though this looks like a lot it was actually inexpensive because I used mostly items from around my house and only had to purchase a few supplies.
I love how it turned out and so did the trick or treaters! Ready to get started? Here is a breakdown of our DIY graveyard for Halloween.
Halloween Tombstones
The key to having the best Halloween graveyard starts with the tombstones. This will add realism and set the tone for your haunted cemetery.
You can choose to buy the tombstones or make your own which are fairly easy to do.
If you want to make your own DIY fake tombstones, check out my tutorial on how to make them using cardboard, styrofoam and other supplies.
After you have your tombstones, display them in various spots throughout the yard. No need to make them perfect as you want it to look like an old cemetery and neglected.
Make sure the tombstones are anchored to the to prevent from blowing away. You can use wooden stakes or a metal coat hanger to safely secure them to the ground. Once you get all the tombstones in place, next is the Halloween cemetery entrance.
Halloween Cemetery Entrance
The entrance to your cemetery will be the highlight of the gravesite. There are several ways you can set up your cemetery entrance using just pillars or if you want to go all out can add the archway, wrought iron fence and even a gate.
You can hang creepy signs on the gate, like “Enter at Your Own Risk” or “Beware of Ghosts.”
You can make all of this with the supplies you have at home or purchase some the props online. I found this really cool metal cemetery archway entrance or you can go the less expensive route and make one out of cardboard using this tutorial.
Of if you have an arbor, you can add some lights to it and drape some cheesecloth over it to use as an entryway.
To enhance the creepiness, line the pathway leading up to the entrance with flickering lanterns or candles in old-fashioned holders. The dim lighting will cast eerie shadows and set a mysterious ambiance. Now onto the effects!
Halloween Effects; Lighting, Props and Fog Chiller
The final step to completing your Halloween cemetery is adding the Halloween decorations, lighting and fog.
For the graveyard decorations, there are endless props you can use from spider webs to skeletons, bones, rusty chains, etc. And in my opinion you can never have enough Halloween decorations but the choice is up to you.
For the lighting, you can choose an eerie glow or spotlight your tombstones to create a dramatic effect.
They make some really cool colored spotlights if you like to add some color such as purple or green or you can opt for the basic white lighting.
Black lights, strobe lights, and flickering flame lights are popular options for Halloween graveyard setups.
For the final touch, add fog. I suggest doing a low lying fog using a fog chiller to create a thick fog that stays low to the ground. This will add mystery and suspense to your DIY cemetery. As it swirls around gravestones and through pathways, it creates an otherworldly effect that is sure to make even brave souls hesitate before entering.
You can find fog chillers online or make your own for less using a few supplies. Check out how I made one in this tutorial with items around my house.
And lastly but totally optional is adding spooky music. I used a bluetooth speaker and put some cemetery sounds playlist I found on Spotify and let it continuously play.
And that’s how I made my Halloween graveyard! When you combine everything together you will have an awesome Halloween graveyard for all the trick-or-treaters to enjoy!
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