How to Do Keto on a Budget
You may be interested in the Keto diet, but from what you’ve seen, it’s expensive. Well, this isn’t completely true. The Keto diet can seem a little more expensive because of what it entails, but it doesn’t need to be costly. In fact, there are many people who do this diet on a small budget. Here are some tips on how to do Keto on a budget.
Find Free Recipes
There are TONS of resources on the internet and Pinterest right now where you can find Keto recipes for free. You can search through the recipes to find what you like and fit your budget. Everyday we post recipes over at our Low Carb/Keto Recipes Facebook page or you can find more Keto recipes on our website.
Stick to the Basics
Guess what? You don’t HAVE to have Keto coffee and special Ketosis sticks to check your urine. You’d be okay if you stuck to the basics and didn’t get caught up in all the extras. While the extras are nice, you have to be true to your budget. I drink just plain store brand black coffee and if you need cream, you can add a splash of heavy cream. There are also plenty of free apps that can track your macros to help keep you on track. I like to use Carb Manager found in the app store.
Protein, Veggies, and Fat
If you had to break down the Keto diet into 3 categories for food it would be protein, veggies, and fat. This is what you need to focus on the most. You don’t need to make fancy desserts, buy fancy flours, or any nonsense like that. Stick to the main 3 and see how far you get.
Food Prep
You know what gets expensive is going out to eat? Stick to eating at home, while on the Keto diet, and you will save a ton of money. Plus, know what you’re actually eating as some restaurants may add some things to dishes to make them tastes good but it may not be keto friendly.
It’s amazing what a little bit of food prep can do for your diet. Cut up your veggies at the start of the week. This will save you time and help keep you from grabbing drive through food later. While you can have drive thru food on the Keto diet, your wallet isn’t going to appreciate that.
Don’t Overeat
This is going to be hard to hear, but some people that are on the Keto diet, still overeat. You can do Keto on a budget by portioning out your meals (try using smaller plates). Plan out and track what you’re going to eat and stick with it. This will help hold you accountable and help you with your weight loss goals. If food is going to be more expensive than the week before, make sure you’re not overeating it all. If you cook more than what you need or eat, divide it up into meal prep containers to eat for the week.
How do you do Keto on a budget? I’d love to hear your tips by sharing them in the comments.
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