31 Days to Declutter Your Home & Live Life Simply: Under the Bed
In one room or another, you may have items under the bed. Ask yourself how long it has been since you cleaned under there. Even if some of the beds don’t have something under them, it is a good time to get a good vacuum underneath it as it may have been collecting dust bunnies.
Organizing Under your Bed
- Pull everything out from under the bed.
- Set up your organizing system to make it easy to declutter.
- Use under the bed storage bins to organize the items you are keeping to easy locate next time.
- Relocate items that do not belong under the bed.
Items to possibly store under the bed is seasonal items, toys, cameras, linens, gift closet, wrapping paper, crafts, etc. Remember we are decluttering so try to not store too much under your bed. Having less will be easier to find when you need it.
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