Finding ways to save money is important to most people. If you happen to have school age children you know that school supplies can become rather expensive. This is especially true if your child tends to lose things. The beginning of the school year can really break your budget, especially if you have more than one child. Knowing how to save money on school supplies will enable you to spend your savings on something else.
6 Ways to Save Money on School Supplies
- Repurpose Items from Home– Start saving money by shopping at home. You will be amazed at how many school supplies that you already have at home that you did not think about. Gather up your presentable used knapsack and decorate it to suit your child. Read my article on Recycling School Supplies.
- Look for Seasonal Sales– Check out your flyers for seasonal sales. Many drugstores as well as big box retail stores often have stationary items on sale just before school starts. Lined paper is usually offered at a discounted price. Prices are often slashed on backpacks as well. Sometimes you can even find penny items at Staples, Office Max or other stores.
- Shop the Dollar Store– If you happen to have a Dollar General in your local area, head on over there to stock up on school supplies. Stationery items are far less expensive than at the larger retail outlets.
- Shop Alone– When you need to go out for school supplies, make sure that you shop alone. Taking your children shopping for school supplies often means that they will choose items that are aesthetically pleasing rather than a cost-effective alternative.
- Buy Plain– Save money on school supplies by buying plain single colored items. You could personalize them yourself by adding stickers and other craft embellishments to make them look unique.
- Use Coupons– Some stores offer coupons on school supplies during the Back to School season. This can help reduce the cost for the necessary items on the list. Places to check for Back to School coupons
Target Cartwheel
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Kalyn Brooke | Creative Savings
Great ideas!! I especially love the one where you say to shop alone. I remember as a kid always wanting the shiniest new back-to-school gadget!